Pastor’s Blog

Can You Hear Me Now!

     There’s an old saying that bad news comes in threes. I don’t believe this always to be the case. But for Job, the adage proved true. Three messengers each brought Job a negative report. All toll, Job lost not only his business holdings, he also lost his children to death. A very bad day, indeed.


Our Legacy

     One of the things on my bucket list is to visit as many libraries of our former Presidents before I die. So far Janet and I have visited fourteen. We expect to travel to New York State (5) and to Virginia (8).  Why this fascination with former Presidents?


How Old Would You Be?

     The Hall of Fame baseball pitcher, Satchel Paige, once asked, “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you was?” Born in 1906, Paige played America’s pastime until his fifty-ninth year of life. Satchel Paige refused to allow age to become an impediment to playing the game he loved.


Good Deeds

     The sixth chapter of Nehemiah describes a dilemma that many of us sometimes face. Nehemiah had accepted the responsibility to rebuild the security wall that bordered the city of Jerusalem. More than a century before, the Babylonian army laid siege to the capital city demolishing the walls that served as its protection.


June 10 Blog

     The world Jesus grew up in was dominated by the Roman Empire. The Christmas story begins by naming the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus, who wanted a census in order to level taxes on the population. Historians tell us that there was a major cleavage between Jews and Gentiles. It is estimated that in a population of 90 million people in the Empire, Jews were around 8% of the population. That calculates to be 7 million Jews.


How Resplendent are the Works of Your Hands

     Earlier this week, I wrote a psalm for a project I had been asked to pursue. The psalm below reflects the four dimensions of human personality as identified by psychologist William Moulton Marston. The writing below expresses the distinct characteristics of each personality style, while celebrating the diversity and grandeur of those who have been made in God’s image. The poetic cadence mimics the style of the ancient Hebrew writings known as the creation psalms, while paying homage to the uniqueness and dignity of all God’s children.