Pastor’s Blog
Apr '20

To My Good Friend!
Apr '20

The great sage of the past century once expressed a desire: “If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus one day, so I never have to live without you.” Winnie the Pooh’s sentiment conveys the kind of love that existed between David and his friend, Jonathan. The prevailing wisdom is that friendships come and go. Distance, expectations, and new friends are factors that can change the dynamics of a relationship.
Apr '20

As We Move Toward Good Friday
Apr '20

George Orwell described an incident that occurred during the Spanish Civil War. Orwell wrote from the front lines that he saw a man from the opposing Fascist forces jump out of the trench and run along the parapet in full view. He presumably was carrying a message to an officer. The man was wearing a pair of ill-fitting trousers, which he held up with one hand as he ran. Orwell wrote, “I refrained from shooting him…I had come here to shoot at ‘fascists,’ but a man who is holding up his trousers isn’t a ‘fascist,’ he is visibly a fellow-creature, similar to yourself, and you don’t feel like shooting him.”
Apr '20

Walk Like Jesus
Apr '20

The opening chapters of First Samuel provide great insight into the human condition. After settling into the land God had promised them, the people of Israel found themselves under continual attack from their enemies. Foremost among these opponents were the Amorites. The Amorites had inflicted great injury, especially to those who lived east of the Jordan River.
Apr '20

Apr '20

The final five chapters in the book of Judges are highly disturbing. For 147 verses we are compelled to witness humanity at its worst. I care not to go into detail, except to repeat the closing line of the book: “…each person did what they thought to be right” (Judges 21:25, CEB).
Apr '20

Jesus on Relationships
Apr '20

With the stay-at-home orders many of our relationship are struggling – relationships with our housemates or even relationships with ourselves! Watch Pastor Gene as he shares Jesus’ teaching about relationships.
Scripture Reading for March 29 – April 4
March 29 – Day 1: Judges 9, 10, 11
March 30 – Day 2: Judges 12, 13, 14
March 31 – Day 3: Judges 15, 16; Psalm 58, 59
April 1 – Day 4: Judges 17, 18, 19
April 2 – Day 5: Judges 20, 21; Psalm 60
April 3 – Day 6: Ruth 1, 2, 3, 4
April 4 – Day 7: I Samuel 1, 2, 3