Pastor’s Blog

What should we do about guns?

I have steered clear from the debate on gun control for most of my ministry career.  My reason for doing so lies with the ambivalent stance that the Scriptures have on the use of violence.  The Old Testament is filled with stories of Israel waging war against its enemies.  In many cases, God grants His people permission to engage in battle, if not to give them a direct command to take such action.


A Labor or Love

My mother was an extreme example of love for my brother and me.  Mom was a teacher.

However, Mom sacrificed her time as a professional educator to raise her two sons.  For the better part of eighteen years, our mother took us to school when it rained, she prepared our food when we came home for lunch, and she checked our homework before we went to bed each night.  Yet, by taking herself out of the classroom, she forfeited any opportunity to advance her career.


Shepherds one of the original Dirty Jobs

On Christmas Eve morning I’ll be preaching a message called The REAL Christmas Story: A Story for Everyone. Every year when I read the Christmas story, I’m amazed that means by which God chose to save the world.  Perhaps more amazing is how God choose to announce the plan.  God didn’t come to the religious leaders or the political leaders.  God didn’t go to the business tycoons.  God sent the angels to the shepherds.


which box will you be spending your time in between now and christmas

There aren’t many days left before Christmas but, if you are like me, you’ve lots to accomplish.  The way you choose to spend your time is going to impact your Christmas.


Veteran’s Day Prayer – Oh God our Help in Ages Past

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13, NV)

Below are selected verses of the Veteran’s Day prayer I shared at the 2017 Blue Ash Veteran’s Day program. Please join me in praying for all military personnel, past and present, that God’s grace may sustain them throughout the days and years to come.


Does your spouse know what your think of them? Compliments are key to a happy marriage.

I was stumped by a question I read the other day.  “When was the last time you complimented your spouse?”  I couldn’t answer the question.