Pastor’s Blog
Aug '20

Choose Forgiveness
Aug '20

Recently Thom Brennaman, a baseball announcer for the Cincinnati Reds, said a slur over the television airways. His words were offensive to the community and others. He didn’t know that his microphone was hot at the time.
Day 13 & Day 14 – 14 Day Love Challenge
I write this email as I am preparing for a wedding later this afternoon. Weddings are wonderful occasions. Family members gather from far and wide.
Day 12 – 14 Day Love Challenge
“The LORD declares, ‘Am I a God
who is only nearby and not far off?
Can people hide themselves in secret places
so I might not see them?
Don’t I fill heaven and earth?’” (Jeremiah 23:23-24, CEB).
who is only nearby and not far off?
Can people hide themselves in secret places
so I might not see them?
Don’t I fill heaven and earth?’” (Jeremiah 23:23-24, CEB).
Day 11 – 14 Day Love Challenge
“Just before the Passover Feast, Jesus knew that the time had come to leave this world to go to the Father.
Having loved his dear companions, he continued to love them right to the end” (John 13:1, MSG).
Day 10 – 14 Day Love Challenge
Ruthie is our Peek-a-Poo. She is blind and deaf. Cathy and I carry her outside and stand over her as she conducts her business. Ruthie’s inability to see and hear make her vulnerable to the dangers around her. Yet she has learned that the ones who love her never leave her side.
Day 9 – 14 Day Love Challenge
I remember the first time my father-in-law called me son. Cathy and I were newly married, yet I still felt like an outsider to the family. My status changed, however, the moment my second dad laid claim to me. From that moment forward, I knew I was wanted, included, and loved.