Pastor’s Blog
Daily Devotional Nov. 1, 2022
9 x 1 = 9, 9 x 2 = 18, 9 x 3 = 27…9 x 9 = 81, 9 x 10 = 91.
Daily Devotional Oct. 31, 2022
“And Abel also brought an offering—fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering” (Genesis 4:4, NIV).
Halloween is here. I’ve been tasked with purchasing the treats for Beggar’s Night at our house. Yippee. The assignment is a daunting challenge for me. Choosing the right candy can mean the difference between a genuine “Thank you” or cleaning toilet paper out of the trees the next day.
Daily Devotional Oct. 28, 2022
Be on the lookout. A pet kangaroo has escaped. No, this is not a post from Australia. The plea comes out of Carroll County, Indiana. Rumor has it that the marsupial was witnessed eating at IHOP.
Kangaroos are curious creatures. Most kangaroos are left-handed and flex their pecs to impress the girls. Kangaroos do not sweat, which is a real bummer with respect to cooling down in the oppressive Outback heat.
Daily Devotional Oct. 27, 2022
Something strange happened recently. A man from Iran, dubbed the “world’s dirtiest man,” died after taking a bath. Amou Haji was ninety-four upon his death. He had gone without bathing himself for sixty years. Haji was afraid he would get sick if he used soap and water. His prediction unfortunately was correct.
Daily Devotional Oct. 26, 2022
Daily Devotional Oct. 25, 2022
I love weddings. Many pastors share horror stories of bridezillas gone nuclear. I choose to focus on those occasions upon which God was smiling. This past weekend was one such instance.
I was granted the privilege of officiating the wedding of my youngest son’s best friend. The nuptial was held on a fall day beside the waters of the Hocking River. The temperature was seventy degrees. The sun was shining. The trees were filled with dazzling colors. No sanctuary has been decorated so magnificently.