Pastor’s Blog
Daily Devotion August 2, 2023
In 2003, I had the privilege of standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. I stood on the very spot from which Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his infamous address. With the Washington Monument looming above in the background, Dr. King delivered the words, “I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
Daily Devotion August 1, 2023
“Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” (Psalm 24:8, ESV).
The data is in. Recent clinical research found that substituting two tablespoons of maple syrup for refined sugars helps reduce cardiometabolic risk factors. People who replaced refined sugars with maple syrup experienced reductions in abdominal fat, blood pressure, and improved glycemic response. The truth is that the things that are good for you need not taste badly.
Daily Devotion July 28, 2023
The final five chapters in the book of Judges are highly disturbing. For 147 verses we are compelled to witness humanity at its worst. I care not to go into detail, except to repeat the closing line of the book: “…each person did what they thought to be right” (Judges 21:25, CEB).
Daily Devotion July 27, 2023
I discovered an interesting factoid the other day. Albert Einstein is a scatterbrain. I am speaking in the present tense. Parts of Einstein’s brain have been missing and scattered about for decades.
Following Einstein’s death in 1955, his brain mysteriously disappeared. It seems that an examining physician named Thomas Harvey removed the genius’ brain and took it home to study. Harvey divided the brain into 240 pieces and stored them in mason jars.
Daily Devotion July 26, 2023
Control is a good thing. Controlling one’s temper is a must for those who follow Jesus. Controlling one’s food intake is critical for maintaining a healthy body. Controlling the expenditure of money is crucial for any family on a tight budget.
Daily Devotion July 26, 2023
Control is a good thing. Controlling one’s temper is a must for those who follow Jesus. Controlling one’s food intake is critical for maintaining a healthy body. Controlling the expenditure of money is crucial for any family on a tight budget.