Pastor’s Blog

Day 8 – 14 Day Love Challenge

Years ago, I purchased a Precious Moments figurine for my wife on Valentine’s Day. The model features a mother embracing her child affectionately. The image kindles memories in my mind of snuggling with my own mother.


Day 6 & Day 7 – 14 Day Love Challenge

The Great Commandment directs us to love in three directions: upwardly (God), outwardly (neighbor), and inwardly (one’s self). Much of Christian teaching centers on the first two objectives and largely ignores the third. To be certain, all love starts with and comes from God.


Day 5 – 14 Day Love Challenge

The other night, Cathy and I were searching the nighttime skies for a glimpse of the Perseids meteor shower. Sadly, we failed to see anything. Yet a wonderful thought did enter my mind.


Day 4 – 14 Day Love Challenge

     A robin has made her nest in one of Cathy’s flowerpots. As we stand on the front porch, we can hear the chicks peeping. Every so often, we capture a glimpse of the mother hovering over her babies, feeding them, protecting them, and nurturing them.


Character Matters

     The following poem was written by T. S. Elliot back in 1922:
“Within my earthly Temple there’s a crowd,
There’s one who’s humble and one who’s proud.


Day 3 – 14 Day Love Challenge

     I’ll let you in on a little secret. At least once a day, I embrace my wife and sing to her the refrain of an old Johnny Cash song:
  You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,
  You make me happy when skies are gray.