Pastor’s Blog

Daily Devotion Dec. 12, 2023

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV).

     From the first moments of birth, we are encouraged to live independently. A newborn baby must learn to breath on her own once the umbilical cord is cut. Walking is also a rite of passage toward autotomy. A toddler’s first steps open new opportunities to explore God’s creation. Time passes quickly as the child crosses the graduation stage and prepares to leave home.


Daily Devotion Dec 8, 2023

“Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. For we live by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:6-7, NIV).

     The human body is a marvel of God’s handiwork. The blood vessels in just one person could circumnavigate the earth two and a-half times if they were placed end to end. The human nose can detect up to one trillion types of smells. My father used to claim that my mother had the ears of an elephant. She could hear my brother and me getting into trouble from a mile away.


Daily Devotion Dec. 7, 2023

But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, They run and don’t get tired, they walk and don’t lag behind” (Isaiah 40:31, MSG).

     I am not a patient person by nature. I don’t enjoy waiting. In our society, waiting is for people of lesser means. Some can pay an additional fee to walk to the head of the line to ride the roller coaster at Kings Island. The rest of us have to hold our tongues as these folks slip past us.


Daily Devotion Dec. 6, 2023

“…Death has been swallowed up by a victory. Where is your victory, Death? Where is your sting, Death?” (1 Corinthians 15:54-55, CEB).

     I can’t help but wonder if this passage was one of the Apostle Paul’s favorites. Paul spoke of the “thorn in the flesh” from which he suffered mightily. No one knows the particular malady with which Paul struggled. Some have suggested that Paul was blind. Others claim that he endured debilitating seizures.


Daily Devotion Dec. 5, 2023

“While they were there, the time came for her to deliver her child. 7 And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no place in the guest room” (Luke 2:6-7, NRSV).

     Over the years, the innkeeper’s reputation has taken a beating. He has been viewed as a heartless businessman who was more interested in making money than helping a poor family in need. Personally, I believe the innkeeper has been given a bad rap. The reality may be that the innkeeper was a rather gracious person.


Daily Devotion Dec 1, 2023

“My people are determined to turn from me…[yet] how can I give you up?” (Hosea 11:7-8, NIV).


     I grew up with a wiener dog named Frank. (An ironic name, don’t you think?) In his younger days, Frank liked to run away from home. Being the oldest child, I was tasked with catching him. I grew tired of Frank’s departures to the point that I threw up my hands in disgust and shouted, “Good riddance!” A very wise neighbor overheard my exclamation and asked me why I was so upset. I told Mr. Hannus that I never wanted to see that ungrateful dog, again. To which he replied, “Son, you don’t stop loving someone just because they lack the sense to love you back.”