Pastor’s Blog
Feb '20

Got Questions? Look to God’s Grace
Feb '20

I admit that reading through the book of Leviticus is a bit like walking through a time that long since has passed. Many of the 613 laws identified appear to no longer apply for living in the twenty-first century. For example, the prohibition to eat a steak cooked any less than medium well seems a bit too circumspect (Leviticus 17:10), let alone that the person who defies this law is to be cut off from the rest of society. On the other hand, treating and loving an immigrant who lives within the borders of one’s land as a citizen is a matter that is quite pertinent to life today (Leviticus 19:34).
Feb '20

We Need To Retell the Story!
Feb '20

Last Sunday, I had a conversation with a couple that went something like this. “Wow, that reading from Leviticus is sure boring.” My response was candid: “I can’t disagree with you.”
From chapters one through nine, the author of Leviticus repeats the same set of ritualistic instructions twenty-two times. I became drowsy. So, I started reading the text aloud to stay alert and awake. Predictably, all three of my cats fell asleep.
Feb '20

You Belong Here
Feb '20

As I was reading the better part of chapters twenty-four through thirty-one last week, I must admit that I was tempted to doze off. God methodically instructs Moses how to build the Tabernacle that would become God’s home among the people of Israel. The divine blueprint goes into meticulous detail. The dimensions are precise. The materials are carefully chosen. The furnishings are properly placed. No feature of the structure is overlooked.
But, why?
Feb '20

We Are His Hands and Feet
Feb '20

Exodus 6:6 records God’s promise to the Hebrew people:
“I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment” (NIV).
As the story of the Exodus unfolds, God holds true to His promise.
God, indeed, brings the Israelites out of bondage through “mighty acts.”
Jan '20

God Is Working
Jan '20

Read Pastor David’s reflections on the scripture readings of last week…….
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” These words often are attributed to Jesus as he suffered on the cross. They express a deep-seated sense of alienation and abandonment. Suffering has the capacity to isolate us from others, including the people who love us most. Far too often, pain compels any one of us to pull away from the very people who can comfort us.
Jan '20

Who Would Want to Hang Around with the likes of Us?
Jan '20

Read Pastor David’s thoughts from last week’s scripture.
Last Wednesday, I received a text message from a friend that read, “I like the Psalms much better than Genesis !!!” My friend is not alone. Genesis can read like an E. L. James novel. The stories of Genesis delve into matters of fratricide, illicit rendezvous, treacherous betrayals, and strange quid pro quos. Frankly, humanity comes off looking like a sordid, contemptible lot of characters. Who would want to hang around the likes of people such as us? God.