Pastor’s Blog
Daily Devotion July 18, 2024
“I correct and discipline those whom I love. So be earnest and change your hearts and lives” (Revelation 3:19, CEB).
I often am struck by the message God does not communicate through the Scriptures as much as I am by what God does say. The book of Revelation is actually a letter from God delivered through the pen of John, Jesus’ disciple. The letter was circulated among the seven churches that were in existence during the latter part of the first century.
Daily Devotion July 17, 2024
The proclamation above was written to the church in Thyatira. Thyatira was located in the northwest province of Manisa, Turkey. The ancient city was known for its textile trade, bronze work, and weavings. Artisans and merchants would travel to Thyatira great distances to sell their goods.
Daily Devotion July 16, 2024
I am resuming my daily devotions after several months of respite. I am grateful for your understanding and kind wishes following the death of my father, Gene. For the next five weeks, I will be working through the book of Revelation. For those of you who are listening to the sermon series, A Glimpse of the Future, I encourage you to read the first four chapters of Revelation by Sunday, July 21st.
Daily Devotions
The Daily Devotions will cease for the next three weeks as Pastor David is convalescing from knee surgery. Please keep him in your prayers.
Daily Devotion Feb. 2, 2024
Read Philippians 4:4-13
Devotional Thought
Peace is a hard commodity to come by these days. We have become a restless people. The number one factor in vehicular accidents is sleepiness. Doctors say that most of us need a minimum of seven to nine hours per night. Few of us meet this standard.
Daily Devotion Feb. 1, 2024
“God said to Jonah, ‘Is your anger about the shrub a good thing?’ Jonah said, ‘Yes, my anger is good—even to the point of death!’” (Jonah 4:9, CEB).
How do you forgive God? Yes, you read correctly. How do you forgive when you are angry with God?
Before you brand me a heretic, please read Jonah’s story carefully (Jonah 4:1-11). Jonah was angry with God. God had sent Jonah to Nineveh to preach to the people of that city and Jonah didn’t appreciate the task one bit. Nineveh was the capitol city of Babylon—the country that had ransacked Jerusalem and taken the Jews hostage. Jonah despised the Babylonian people.