Pastor’s Blog
Pastor’s Blog: Joshua 22 – Family Feud, Avoiding Assumptions, Avoiding Critical Mistakes
Assumptions lead to big problems like in this story from the book of Joshua. When we are dealing with our families and also in this season of trial when we are dealing with the world, avoiding assumptions will help us avoid critical mistakes.
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Mar '20

Pastor’s Blog: Luke, Acts – Getting to Know Jesus
Mar '20

While Pastor Gene’s Disciple Bible Study not meeting in person as we do our part to #FlattenTheCurve, he has generously offered to record some of his thoughts on the scripture. Join him in exploring these books of the bible.
Mar '20

Trust in the Lord
Mar '20

The book of Joshua sounds a bit like the story of “How the West Was Won.” There are epic battles between the Tribes of Israel and her enemies. Following the time of war, Joshua, the leader who succeeded Moses, apportioned regions of the country to each of the twelve tribes.
Lead Me, Guide Me

Blog for Thursday, March 19, 2020
For those of you who have been reading through the Bible with me this year, we finished the book of Deuteronomy yesterday. The final chapters record Moses preparing the Israelites for their new life in the Promised Land. Moses and God’s people had spent forty years wandering around in the Sinai wilderness. Forty years of dodging venomous snakes and scorpions. Forty years of scorching days and frigid nights. Those wilderness days seemed like they would never end.
Mar '20

Being Different….Is That A Bad Thing?
Mar '20

The thirteenth chapter of Numbers records one of the few stories in this Old Testament book. The tale is told that Moses sent twelve spies into the land God had promised Israel. Indeed, the land was as God had told them‒‒a land flowing with “milk and honey.” The spies even brought back with them samplings of grapes, pomegranates, and figs.
However, ten of the spies gave a less than hopeful report. This pack of ten told Moses that the people who occupied the land were too numerous and strong to be evicted by the small Israelite army. Amongst other things, the ten spies said, “We saw there the Nephilim…” (Numbers 13:33, CEB). The Nephilim were a folkloric group of giants (see Genesis 6:1-4).
Mar '20

Don’t Shoot the Messenger!
Mar '20

Reading from Numbers 22:21-34, ESV
Thousands of years ago lived a man who was so wise his name is recorded in several ancient history books. This person was said to have had the power to place curses on people or pronounce blessings upon people. His power was widely known throughout the Near East. His name was Balaam.