
Learning from Baseball

Did America strike out yesterday in Alexandria?
Matthew 5:9, NRSV

I like baseball. I enjoy sitting with my family at the Great American Ballpark watching the Cincinnati Reds. I learned a lot about life as a child playing the grand ol’ game. I learned how to be part of a team. I learned about sacrificing myself for the greater good. I learned about respecting my opponents by shaking their hands after the final out was called. I learned that losing graciously doesn’t make you a loser.

As Americans, we learned a lot about ourselves yesterday on a baseball field in Alexandria, Virginia. We learned that the heated rhetoric which has divided our nation carries with it consequences. Please don’t mishear what I’m saying. I believe the long gunman was personally responsible for the reprehensible act he committed and that he paid for the crime with his own life. However, very few people doubt that the shootings which took place in the early morning hours have served as a wakeup call for our nation.
Congressman Rodney Davis from Taylorville, Illinois was taking batting practice when the lone gunman opened fire. Reflecting upon the incident he witnessed firsthand, Representative David said:
“I believe there is such a hatefulness in what we see in American politics and policy discussions right now…on social media and the 24-hour news cycle. This has got to stop. We can disagree on how to govern—that’s what makes this country great. I think Republicans and Democrats need to use this day today to stand together and say, ‘Stop, let’s work together, let’s get things done. We can have our differences, but let’s not let it lead to such hate.’”
Jesus declared that those who are peacemakers, like Rodney Davis, shall be called children of God. “Who shall declare them as God’s children,” you ask? We will. In fact, we don’t have to wait to call them as such now. Every person who rises up today and says, “Enough to the hatefulness, enough to the ugly speeches,” shall be acknowledged publicly as one of God’s daughters or sons. Peacemakers put the world on notice that love shall not be silenced by hatred nor shall vicious passions have the last word. Peacemakers are God’s witnesses to the truth that goodness shall always triumph over evil.
So, while it may be true that America struck out at a small practice field along its eastern coast on June 14, 2017, God is granting us yet another chance to swing for the fences today. So, here’s to you, Peacemakers. Let’s play ball!