I love the church. I have fond memories of running through the hallways (and being told by my mother to slow down). I recall lighting the candles as an acolyte and spending the night in the fellowship hall for a youth lock-in.
My experience as a youth is much different than those of this present generation. According to the Pew Research Center, forty percent of millennials do not have an affiliation with a local congregation. Most millennials do not share the same affection for the church as does my generation. I understand why. It’s difficult to love something to which you’ve received little exposure.
While I can’t turn back the clock to a different day and time, I can turn to the Scriptures. Specifically, Psalm 84:1-2: “How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord of heavenly forces! My very being longs, even yearns, for the Lord’s courtyards…” (CEB). Whoever wrote these words held a strong attraction for the place where he worshipped. It was in the Temple that he connected with God. Yes, the Psalmist would be the first one to admit that God can be experienced anytime in any place. But the Temple was a most sacred space that held a sacred place in his heart.
These past three months have been challenging for me personally. I truly miss being in the church building with the people I love. However, I am grateful for those who have made our digital worship so realistic. I am thankful for Pastor Brian and Joel Berg, who painstakingly edit video of the acolytes as they light the altar candles, while virtually walking us through the building from the parking lot to the sanctuary.
I feel blessed by Danny and Debbie Frank, who meticulously choreograph every act of worship and prepare music that blesses the soul. I am humbled by Tom Guth and our Praise Team, who week in and out, provide sounds that move heaven and earth to praise. I likewise am indebted to my wife who meticulously tapes the weekly messages I am called to preach.
I agree with the Psalm writer that “Better is a single day in your courtyards than a thousand days anywhere else” (Psalm 84:10). Yet if I can’t step foot into God’s house during this brief, albeit intervening time, I can’t think of a better way to spend my time. Regardless, “My heart and my body will rejoice out loud to the living God!” (Psalm 84:2).