
Daily Devotions for Holy Week 2023

April 3 – April 7, 2023
“Jesus Final Words”

As we move further into Holy Week, take fifteen minutes each day to reflect on the biblical texts and questions below.

Mon. Read Matthew 27:45-54 and Psalm 22

Reflection Questions:
· When have your “Why’s” gone unanswered?
· What assurances does the second half of Psalm 22 offer?

Prayer: Lord, in my moments of forsakenness, please remind me that I am never alone and that evil will never have the final word.

Tue. Read Luke 23:26-34 and Matthew 5:43-48

Reflection Question:
· If God forgives humanity for its part in the death of His Son, what is keeping me from forgiving those who have grieved me?

Prayer: Father, grant me the grace to forgive those who’ve hurt me, even as you have forgiven me.

Wed. Read Luke 23:35-43 and Revelation 21

Thought for Reflection:
· If paradise begins the day I say, “Jesus, remember me,” then the life we have in Christ is not bound solely to the future, but takes shape in the present.

Prayer: Jesus, grant me the grace to begin walking with you today in the same manner I will in Heaven.

Thurs. Read John 19:16-30 and Romans 8:18-28

Question for Reflection:
· If Jesus, the Living Water, thirsted on the cross, why would I not expect to experience seasons of suffering?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me remember that the suffering I experience in this world cannot compare with glory that you will one day reveal to me.

Good Friday Service – 12:00 P.M. (in the Chapel)

Sunday Easter Schedule
Worship – 10:00 A.M.