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Daily Devotion Feb. 21, 2025

Every time I think of you; I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy” (Philippians 1:3-4, NLT).


              Barbara Johnson is one of my favorite Christian authors. Barb tells of the time she had overslept and was late for work. Then, several things happened at the office to contribute to her agitation. By the time she reached the bus stop for the trip home her stomach was tied into knots.


Daily Devotion Feb. 20, 2025

“When they were all full, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces left over; let us not waste a bit” (John 6:12, GNT).


              My cell phone has been acting up lately. The device is only a few years old. Planned obsolescence is the reason, so I’m told.


              It seems that many things made today are not built to last. From electronics to motor vehicles, clothing to major league sport rosters, most consumables are produced with a short shelf life in mind. In many instances, it’s more expensive to repair an item than to replace it. Such is life in a disposable society.


Daily Devotion Feb. 19, 2025

“In this life we have three great lasting qualities – faith, hope, and love.  But the greatest of them is love” (I Corinthians 13:13, J.B. Phillips).

     Several years ago, my father was approached by a member of the church he served. I’ll call her Darlene. Darlene sat down in my father’s office and spoke:


Wild About You Mother Son Dance March 14

Mom gather your son(s) and join us for a Mother Son dance on March 14 from 7-9 PM at St. Paul Community United Methodist Church.  In addition to some awesome dancing there will be food and fun activities.  Though we call it a Mother Son dance we welcome aunts, grandmas, or that special person to fill in.  Don’t miss it.  Space is limited.  Register here or text DANCE to 513-891-8181.

ST. PAUL COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH | 8221 Miami, Madeira, OH 45243 | info@stpaulcumc.org | 513-891-8181 |
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