
Shepherds one of the original Dirty Jobs

On Christmas Eve morning I’ll be preaching a message called The REAL Christmas Story: A Story for Everyone. Every year when I read the Christmas story, I’m amazed that means by which God chose to save the world.  Perhaps more amazing is how God choose to announce the plan.  God didn’t come to the religious leaders or the political leaders.  God didn’t go to the business tycoons.  God sent the angels to the shepherds.
The shepherds we picture from children’s pageants isn’t especially accurate.  These were not young men wearing bathrobes with towels on their heads.  They weren’t the stars of an audience’s heart.  And if we are honest, they smelled.  Bad.  
If Mike Rowe’s television series Dirty Jobs were around a couple of thousand years ago, I bet he would have done an episode on shepherds.  Maybe it would have looked like this:
It makes me wonder, if this is who God chose to share this story with then, who should we be sharing it with today?
-Pastor Brian
Brian Gath is one of the pastors at St. Paul.  He occasionally enjoys a good dirty job but likes to make sure his work cloths on when he does.  You can reach Brian by email.  Find out more about St. Paul on our website or plan to join us this Sunday at 10.  Plan your visit.Do you want to hear the sermon?  Watch it here.